This area of your bill includes your account number. To ensure your payment posts to your account promptly we require that your account number be referenced with all payments and correspondence.
The date your billing statement was generated.
Due date of current charges.
This is the identification number of the power meter associated with your service location.
These are the dates of service covered in the current statement.
The previous and current readings of kilowatt-hours (kWh).
The size of the multiplier at the service location. Some types of meters require a factor to determine actual usage.
The total kWh of energy used during this billing cycle. (This number is generated by taking the total of kWh on your present meter read and subtracting the total from your previous meter read).
Monthly message.
A detail of current monthly service charges including any previous unpaid balances that have been forwarded to this billing cycle, additional charges or billing adjustments and payments, basic service charges, and your energy usage charges plus the city and state taxes. Energy usage charges are calculated by the total of Kwh used during the billing cycle as referenced in #8, multiplied by the energy rate.
This is a box that allows you to write in the amount you would like to donate to Project Help.
This is a box that allows you to write in the amount you are remitting for this billing cycle.
The address where payment should be remitted.
How to Read Your Bill (With Past Due Balance/Disconnect Notice)
This area of your bill includes your account number. To ensure your payment posts to your account promptly we require that your account number be referenced with all payments and correspondence.
The date your billing statement was generated.
Due date of current charges.
This is the identification number of the power meter associated with your service location.
These are the dates of service covered in the current statement.
The previous and current readings of kilowatt-hours (kWh).
The size of the multiplier at the service location. Some types of meters require a factor to determine actual usage.
The total kWh of energy used during this billing cycle. (This number is generated by taking the total of kWh on your present meter read and subtracting the total from your previous meter read).
(Only on accounts with past due balance) Disconnection Notice. Past Due = Balance Due Immediately. Please call the office to make a payment to avoid disconnection. Accounts with a disconnection notice will be disconnected a week before the current bill due date.
Monthly message.
A detail of current monthly service charges including any previous unpaid balances that have been forwarded to this billing cycle, additional charges or billing adjustments and payments, basic service charges,s and your energy usage charges plus the city and state taxes. Energy usage charges are calculated by the total of Kwh used during the billing cycle as referenced in #8, multiplied by the energy rate.
This is a box that allows you to write in the amount you would like to donate to Project Help.
This is a box that allows you to write in the amount you are remitting for this billing cycle.
The address where payment should be remitted.