Power Outages

Outage Map

To obtain outage information, view the Outage Map on Smarthub or visit our Facebook and Twitter.

Reporting a Power Outage

Please report a power outage using the Report Issue option on Smarthub

This is the fastest way to ensure we are made aware of the outage in your area.

Note: Do not send outage reports via email or Facebook – those communication methods are not monitored outside of normal business hours.

Outage Information

You expect your electricity to be on and you expect us to be dependable. Unfortunately, there are some things that are out of our hands and we can’t control such as accidents or severe weather, and other unpredictable events or circumstances that could cause an outage of your power services. Follow the tips below to keep you and your family safe during a power outage.

Downed Lines

In the House

While the Power Is Out

Please keep phone lines open for all members affected by the outage.

We know that being without power is inconvenient and frustrating, and we assure you that 1 call is all you need to make.

hands holding mobile phone